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Future Travel

The US and China are in the midst of battery war

The US and China are in the midst of battery war

The US and China are in the midst of a multi-billion dollar technological arms race. And why is the Western public being kept in the dark about that? Because the United States is losing. Badly.  In 2024, China committed to invest $830 million in solid state...

China’s Quantum Leap Into the Quantum Computing Race

China’s Quantum Leap Into the Quantum Computing Race

Forget the arms race—the quantum race is the new global battleground, and China has just launched a thunderous offensive with its latest breakthrough. Meet the Tianyan-504, a 504-qubit quantum beast built on the domestically engineered Xiaohong chip. This isn't just...

Machine Learning Is Reshaping Technology—Here’s How

Machine Learning Is Reshaping Technology—Here’s How

Machine learning isn’t just another tech buzzword—it’s the driving force behind big changes across industries, shaking things up and opening new doors. If you’re not taking it seriously, you should. This is a real game changer for many industries, and with the machine...